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Kirloskar Institute of Advanced Management Studies – Educating Business Leaders of Tomorrow

In unique Situations like now, management aspirants and students of other streams, across the world, face a difficult dilemma today in terms of uncertainty in health and financial emergencies. On top of this, it makes more sense than ever to select the best educational hub, which can provide them with a protective learning environment, filled with quality management teaching/learning, in turn, helping them grow along with the market. Also, it’s important for the students to pick from the best of the educational hubs, who can push them to upskill and upgrade, irrespective of the scenario around.

One such business-management haven, which guarantees a higher career path for all its students and helps them be better equipped in this ever-demanding world – Kirloskar Institute of Advanced Management Studies (KIAMS) comes as a ray of hope for all, even during these gloomy times of the pandemic. Set up in the year 1991 by the Kirloskar Group, the campus is placed in a scenic backdrop of the banks of the river Tungabhadra, situated ideally close to major industrial towns. The illustrious and renowned industrialist Mr Shantanurao Laxmanrao Kirloskar laid the founding stones of the institute, and thus began the journey of KIAMS.

Being a vital part of the esteemed K-Group, KIAMS works rigorously day and night, in the process of keeping the brand-value intact and focusing on giving back to society – trained and abled managers cum leaders of tomorrow. Moreover, considering the importance of business intelligence in today’s world, every course and curriculum at the management institute is curated in such a way, that it caters to the right-minds of today and helps them intensively grow as a tech-friendly professional.

Imbibing an attitude of growth and learning

Being one of the premier institutes offering a content-rich program namely – PGDM in Management. This program clearly is targeted towards creating industry-oriented professionals, who have a multi-disciplinary approach, thereby, endorsing a blend of knowledge, skills and attitude. Trying its best to offer a quality learning experience to all its students, irrespective of the backgrounds they come from, the management institute boasts of an excellent reputation in terms of campus placements. Also, due to its major association with the K-Group, every individual present on the campus benefits majorly, by getting the best of the privileges and opportunities across the wide array of companies the K-Group is associated with.

Taking it up a notch, competency plays an important role at KIAMS, wherein, every student’s competency-level is measured, and accordingly, the learning methodology and the level of personal attention needed is managed. Acting as gurus instead of just teachers, the onboard faculty members act as mentors to the students, in turn, building strong mentor-mentee relationships at the institute. Going beyond the conventional classroom timings, the mentor-mentee bond is limitless, all thanks to the residential setup, helping to learn/knowledge-gain happen without any constraints.

Empanelled with top corporates of India, our students find the transition phase from being students to tomorrow’s leaders quite easy”, stated Dr Biplab Kumar Biswal, the Director of KIAMS during a brief conversation we had with him, talking about the working ethos present on campus. He also stated all the reasons why KIAMS has always been treated as a premier institute in terms of management teaching/learning, giving us an inside view of the whole functioning and why the institute can easily be listed one of the best management institutes of the country.

Choosing the best students to be a part of the institute, not going beyond the 120-mark, personalized training and upskilling happen effortlessly at KIAMS. Moreover, even during the uncertain times of the pandemic, the education process went on smoothly as if there was no pandemic lurking on our doorsteps. The already well-equipped infrastructure with all the necessary new-age tech, classrooms were converted into mini-studios, allowing all the students to access the cloud facility present, such that, no individual misses out on learning.

Knowledge into action

Marking its position as one of the leading management institutes of the country, industry-specific training is nurtured at KIAMS. Approaching teaching with a very multicultural and multi-disciplinary approach, the primary objective of the institute is to build futures. Additionally, thanks to the impressive industry-academia connect existing on campus, students are treated with guest lectures and classes from top-employees of top corporates, in turn, giving them the real-world view of corporate life, ahead of them. Talking to us about the exceptional methods of teaching imparted at KIAMS, Dr Biplab stated – “We train students according to their abilities to adapt”.

Aiming to enhance the quality of graduates with the help of managerial skills that aid them in embracing the role of ‘Business Leaders’ in various fields, every step taken at KIAMS is in the pursuit of giving back to society. Initiatives like the ‘Student Enhancement Plan’, where the whole institute works towards strengthening the fundamentals needed for a manager to flourish in his/her corporate workplace is a living proof that a complete student-centric atmosphere exists on the campus of KIAMS, and will continue to play an important role in creating abled-managers of tomorrow, in the near future as well.

 Dr Biplab Kumar Biswal, Director

A man of knowledge and great vigour, Dr Biplab has many degrees and a PhD honour credited to his name. With over 23 years of experience in both academics and corporate, he has held top positions in many top-brands, throughout his professional career. Believing thoroughly in the fact that management is a dynamic field, and requires individuals to stay up to date with the current trends and demands, he boosts everyone on campus towards a success filled life, filled with achievements and laurels, pushing each and every one to outperform on a daily basis.

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