TS Inter 1st year result 2021 declared


The Telangana State Board of Intermediate Education (TSBIE) has declared the TS Inter 1st year result 2021. Students who have appeared in the October-November examination can check their results on the official website-tsbie.cgg.gov.in.

TS Inter 1st year result 2021 declared: About the exam

Nearly 4.3 lakh students have appeared for the TS Inter First year examinations. The result for general and vocation courses has been declared.

This year, the inter-examination was deferred due to the second wave of the Covid-19. The students were provisionally promoted to TS Inter in the 2nd year.

The examination was conducted and the students were accordingly promoted or referred to the bridge course.

TS Inter 1st year result 2021 declared: How to check the result

  • Visit the official website-tsbie.cgg.gov.in.
  • Click on ‘TS Inter 1st year marks memo for General and first-year vocational course’ under the section of the marks memo section on the homepage.
  • A new window will open.
  • Enter your credentials, such as the hall ticket number, and submit it to view your result online.
  • Take a printout of the result for future reference.