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UGC Chairmain ask universites to allow students to write examination in local languages

UGC Chairman

In a recent notice, the UGC chairman, M Jagadesh Kumar, asked all the Vice Chancellors of the universities to allow students to write the examinations in local languages, even if the courses are offered in English. The notice was released on April 19. It talks about the promotion and regular use of Indian languages in educational institutions under the New Education Policy (NEP 2020).

The notice reads, “The National Education Policy emphasizes the importance of teaching and instruction in mother tongue/local languages. It lay a thrust on the need to optimise communication in all languages for better cognitive attainment and the development of a holistic personality of the learners.”

The notice also talks about encouraging the teaching-learning process in local languages in higher educational institutes of every state. This has and will benefit the students, especially the socially and economically disadvantaged groups.

The notice further reads that the higher education system plays an important role in textbooks and supporting the teaching-learning process in the mother tongue/local languages. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen these efforts and promote such initiatives.

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