Uttar Pradesh aims to become the top state in school education in India, according to Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath. The state government has rejuvenated over 1.36 lakh council schools and digitized services for teachers and parents. The government is spending ₹83,000 crore on education this year.
The state government has set the target to make the school education system of Uttar Pradesh number one in the country. Chief minister Yogi Adityanath has directed the officials to bring the state to first position in the School Education Quality Index (SEQI) and Performance Grade Index (PGI) released by NITI Aayog, according to a government press release.
There are a total of 1.41 lakh council and secondary schools in Uttar Pradesh, in which approximately 2.37 crore students are studying. The state government is spending ₹83,000 crore on education in this financial year, the release says.
“After assuming power in 2017, a radical change has been seen in the education system of the state. Under the Kayakalp Abhiyan, work to improve the condition of dilapidated schools in the state has been done at a rapid pace. In the month of August itself, the state government launched the second phase of Operation Kayakalp,” stated the press communique.
So far, 1.36 lakh council schools have been rejuvenated by the state government with the availability of basic facilities. The transparent appointment of 1.64 lakh teachers is being seen as the biggest achievement of the government, the release reads.