People celebrating on the new-years eve of 2020, least did they know that an invisible creature was waiting to engulf the whole world in grief and distress, and least did they know that 2020 would be one hell of a year to face. The outbreak of (COVID-19) resulted in increased stress and anxiety among people, and uncertainty reached its peaks. Fear and anxiety about a disease can be overwhelming and cause strong emotions in adults and children. Coping with stress will make you, the people you care about, and your community stronger.
These can be difficult times for all of us as we hear about the spread of COVID-19 from all over the world, through television, social media, newspapers, family and friends and other sources. The most common emotion faced by all is Fear. It makes us anxious, panicky and can even possibly make us think, say or do things that we might not consider appropriate under normal circumstances.
Focus on facts, reject rumors and theories
- Knowledge is power; the more you know about a certain issue, the less fearful you may feel. Make sure to access and believe only the most reliable sources of information for self-protection.
- Do not follow sensational news or social media posts which may impact your mental state. Do not spread or share any unverified news or information further.
- Do not keep discussing all the time about who got sick and how. Instead learn about who got well and recovered.
- Stick to the known advice- hand hygiene and keeping a physical distance from others. It is being careful about yourself, and also about taking care of others.
- A common cold is not a Corona infection. The symptoms of Corona have been well described. Follow etiquette of sneezing, coughing, avoiding spitting in public places etc.
- In most people, the Corona infection causes mild symptoms and the person only needs to follow social distancing till he/she stops being infectious, usually 2 weeks. Mild infection does not require a person to be admitted in hospital. Only people who have breathing difficulties need to be in hospital. Most people recover.