The Delhi Government has declared the summer vacation schedule for schools managed by the Directorate of School Education, Delhi. Commencing on Saturday, May 11th, 2024, students will enjoy their summer break until Sunday, June 30th, 2024, spanning a total of 51 days. However, teachers are mandated to attend work for two days on June 28th and 29th, 2024, for essential school-related activities.
This announcement aligns with the official school calendar for the 2024-25 academic year issued by the Directorate of Education (DoE).
The elongated vacation period provides students with an opportunity to unwind and recharge following a rigorous academic term. It also enables them to pursue their passions and hobbies.
During the vacation period, teachers will utilize the allocated workdays to prepare for the upcoming academic session, which may involve lesson planning, assessments, or participation in professional development sessions.
The summer break is part of the planned holidays in the academic calendar, including the Autumn Break from October 9th to 11th, 2024, and the Winter Vacation from January 1st to 15th, 2025. These breaks ensure a balanced academic schedule for both students and teachers, allowing for intervals of relaxation and productivity throughout the year.