The Karnataka School Examination and Assessment Board (KSEAB) has published the answer key for all subjects of the Secondary School Leaving Certificate Examination (SSLC) 2024. Students who have taken the exam can access the answer key on the official website —
Candidates are now permitted to raise objections to the Karnataka SSLC answer key until April 8 at 5:00 pm. The board has explicitly stated in an official notice that objections submitted after the deadline will not be considered.
To challenge the provisional answer key for Karnataka SSLC exams 2024, students will need to input their registration number. Subject experts will then review the objections raised by candidates and subsequently release a final answer key, which will serve as the basis for announcing the 2024 results.
Here are the steps to download the answer key for Karnataka Class 10 SSLC 2024:
1. Visit the official website —
2. On the homepage, locate and click on the link titled ‘2024 SSLC Main Examination Answer key.’
3. Choose the respective subject name to download the answer key.
4. The answer key for 2024 will be presented on the screen.
5. Download and store the file for future reference.
The Karnataka SSLC answer key includes details such as the board’s name, examination name, question paper set name, code number, subject name, model answers, and marks allotted for each question.
To qualify in SSLC exams, students must secure a minimum of 35 per cent marks. The Karnataka SSLC exams 2024 were conducted from March 25 to April 6.