Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal
Dr. Anil Rana – Director has served as a Commander in the engineering branch of the Indian Navy in various roles and has over 30 years of experience in the Industry and Academics.… More

Amrita School of Business
Prof. Venkat Rangan, the Vice Chancellor of the University. Continuing on his above point and explaining how ASB is a school for thorough research enthusiasts… More

Lovely Professional University
Mr Ashok Mittal heads India’s largest private university as the chancellor. A humble and a foresighted entrepreneur filled with learning and growth… More

Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara University
Dr. D. Veerendra Heggade succeeded to the post at the age of 19, on October 24, 1968, the 21st in his line. He administers the temple and its properties.… More

GNA University
Prof. (Dr.) V. K Rattan – Vice Chancellor The Vice Chancellor of GNA University, Phagwara, Dr. Rattan has served as an educationalist for more than three decades.… More

O P Jindal University
Dr R D Patidar, Vice-Chancellor A recipient of several scholarships and awards such as the MHRD Scholarship the Gold Medal at M.E. Level… More

BNM Institute of Technology
Dr. S. Y. Kulkarni the Director of the institute. Leveraging Microsoft TEAMS, our implementation of a Learning Management System… More

Symbiosis School of Banking & Finance
Dr. Neha Parashar research interests lie in the area of financial markets, financial services, behavioral finance, corporate governance, mergers and acquisitions… More

jyoti Nivas College
Dr Sr Lalitha Thomas – Principal A pillar of positivity and strength for the students and staff of the institution, Sr. Lalitha is an able leader… More

St. Xavier's College
St. Xavier’s as the Principal, Rev. Dr. Dominic Savio, SJ currently holds another important position at St. Xavier’s College (Autonomous), Kolkata, Alumni Association as their President.… More

M. S. Ramaiah Institute of Management
Dr. Manasa Nagabhushanam At MSRIM, we adopt a learner-centric pedagogy and highly innovative and reflective assessment techniques, coupled with several interactive sessions and panel discussions on various topics.… More

Aditya Engineering College
Dr. N. Satish Reddy, the Vice Chairman of the engineering college. The Vice Chairman continued – “AEC also emphasizes the importance of social responsibility by organizing activities like beach cleaning.… More

Bishop Cotton Women’s Christian Law College
started her teaching career in 1998 at KLE Law College Bengaluru. Subsequently she joined Al-Ameen Law College, Bengaluru and then joined Bishop Cotton in 2009.… More

reva university
Dr. P. Shyama Raju – Chancellor The Chancellor of REVA University, he heads Rukmini Educational Charitable Trust and CMD of DivyaSree Developers Pvt. Ltd. as the Chairperson.… More